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Sleds for FlexEdge Series

Aug 11, 2021 | Automation, Networks, Product Selection Guide

One Platform. Limitless Potential.
Future-proof your installation and avoid costly replacements by enabling your organization to leverage new communications technologies as they become available.

Red Lion FlexEdge sleds

Select Optional Sleds

FlexEdge Sleds

FlexEdge Sleds

Future-proof your installation and avoid costly and complex rip-and-replace scenarios by enabling your organization to leverage new communications technologies as they become available.


Description Model Number
4G LTE (Cat. 4) Cellular Sled for North America DAS00CL9C4SAM000
4G LTE (Cat. 4) Cellular Sled for North America (Verizon) DAS00CL9C4SVZ000
4G LTE (Cat. 4) Cellular Sled for EU, SE Asia, and Asia Pacific DAS00CL9C4SEU000
4G LTE (Cat. 1) Cellular Sled for Australia DAS00CL9C1SAZ000
802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi Sled DAS00WF10N0AM000
Dual Ethernet Port Sled DAS00PN1EE200000
Dual Isolated RS-232 Ports Sled DAS00PN2221IS000
Dual Isolated RS-485 Ports Sled DAS00PN2442IS000
Mixed Isolated RS-232/RS-485 Ports Sled DAS00PN2245IS000
1 Port USB 2.0 Host Sled DAS00PN40U400000


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